Wednesday, July 15, 2020

35 down, 10 to go!

Just like yesterday, the clinic was running a little ahead of schedule.  I got back to the waiting area at 11:15, 15 minutes ahead of my treatment as is requested and I waited for less than 5 minutes.  I was walking out at 11:29, one minute before my appointment.  Cool!  Everything is still going according to plan and I'm still doing well.

I was able to get out to Taylor, TX this morning to do some bird photography at the rookery in Murphy Park.  Here's is a cell phone of the way it looked shortly after dawn.

There were a few less birds than in previous weeks, perhaps many of the adults were already out gathering food for their young.  I drove back to Austin and got to see my Pastor, who was doing a drive-thru meet and greet for the congregation from 8 to 4:30.  He had a fan blowing on him in his lawn chair when I pulled up.  We talked for a while about everyday life and church business and he was ready to say a prayer over me when a delivery guy showed up with Tiff's Treats.  He had a box of freshly baked cookies, so I got a chocolate chip cookie along with my prayer.  It's been a good day!

Here is the picture for the day, a Painted Bunting from a couple of weeks ago.  They will be here for another 2 or 3 weeks, so I'm looking for them every day.  You can never have enough of these little guys!

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