Thursday, July 9, 2020

Thursday, let the last third of the sessions begin!

It's been an interesting week.  As I enter the home stretch of my treatment plan, I am still being blessed by other men reaching out to me to give me encouragement.  In turn, I've been working with several friends who are in the deciding what to do stage now that they've found out something MUST be done.  One has been in the active monitoring phase for a while and his PSA has spiked, while another is a good candidate for either the same treatment I am getting or surgery and is researching both thoroughly.  Each course of treatment has its pluses and minuses.  I've put him in touch with others that have taken one option or another and they have graciously shared the good, the bad and the ugly willingly.  I've also prayed over each of them and they for me.  It's very moving.

Today was my 31st session and it was also Doctor Day.  The radiation oncologist told me I'm doing well and am in the home stretch, a good thing to hear.  I showed him the picture of the day and told him he was getting shortchanged.  He will only get 9 pictures, one a week, while all the others in his practice are receiving 45 of them, one for each treatment.  He asked me to look at his phone to identify a bird picture that a friend of his had sent via email.  As soon as I saw it, I laughed, it was a Secretary Bird.  I've seen them in Kenya, they look like they have quill pens sticking out of their heads.  They are usually on the ground, but I have gotten pictures of them flying up into trees to perch.  They are usually found around herd animals.  What are the odds that he would show me an African bird and I would know instantly what it is?  Here's one of my images of one from the Masai Mara National Game Park in Kenya in 2018.

The picture for the day is of a female Mallard with interesting swirls surrounding her from one of my local ponds.  View it full screen if you can, I titled it Mallard Swirls in a recent photo competition.

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